KIKK Festival 2016 — a review in pictures
Please consider that some informations are not relevant anymore. Also, most old articles are in german.
KIKK.Festival 2016 was all about digital & creative cultures. A free festival, with a lot of talented speakers and just a short 2½ hours trip from my hometown.
The festival took place in a small city called “Namur” in the Wallonian part of Belgium. I’ve been there a year ago and new some parts of the city already, so finding a parking spot was a breeze and couldn’t be easier.
Despite the fact that the hosts underestimated the amount of interest in tech-talks this year and the studio was always packed 20 minutes before the talk, i’ve seen a lot of inspirational and sometimes perplexing talks.
My hotel was a stunning old castle in the outskirts of the near woods of Namur, called “Chateau de la Poste“. Was quite a trip there in the total darkness, but absolutely worth it.
If anyone ever plans to visit Namur, i’d like to recommend having breakfast in “Le Pain Quotidien“, absolutely worth it. I also had the chance to talk my rusty flemish again, didn’t expect that in La Wallonie! ?
As you may have noticed, this blog post is in english and i’ll publish more english articles for international purposes.