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KIKK Festival 2016 — a review in pictures

This article was published on 18th November 2016.
Please consider that some informations are not relevant anymore. Also, most old articles are in german.

KIKK.Festival 2016 was all about digital & creative cultures. A free festival, with a lot of talented speakers and just a short 2½ hours trip from my hometown.

The festival took place in a small city called “Namur” in the Wallonian part of Belgium. I’ve been there a year ago and new some parts of the city already, so finding a parking spot was a breeze and couldn’t be easier.

Despite the fact that the hosts underestimated the amount of interest in tech-talks this year and the studio was always packed 20 minutes before the talk, i’ve seen a lot of inspirational and sometimes perplexing talks.

My hotel was a stunning old castle in the outskirts of the near woods of Namur, called “Chateau de la Poste“. Was quite a trip there in the total darkness, but absolutely worth it.

If anyone ever plans to visit Namur, i’d like to recommend having breakfast in “Le Pain Quotidien“, absolutely worth it. I also had the chance to talk my rusty flemish again, didn’t expect that in La Wallonie! ?

As you may have noticed, this blog post is in english and i’ll publish more english articles for international purposes.

Categories Design, Development