I have no special talent, I'm just passionately curious.


Hi, my name is Chris. I work as a Designer & Developer at Coffee Circle in Berlin and sometimes i freelance from Bad Bentheim.

The statement above is an alleged quote by Albert Einstein. Currently at the age of 45, i gathered experiences as concepter, designer & developer for more than half of my life. With attention to detail and a huge thirst for knowledge i love my job and try to show it in every aspect of my work. Not entirely without talent one might say, but certainly through curiousity ✌️

At Coffee Circle i try to focus on working as a Screendesigner, sometimes i just can't keep my finger from the codebase though.

Projects A small selection of work between 2014 — 2025


Coffee Circle

Areas: Branding, Design, CMS, Concept, Packaging

In the last years i worked with a wonderful team on the big relaunch at Coffee Circle. We created a streamlined online shop with a comprehensive CMS, new packaging solutions and there’s always more to come. Also… the coffee is great!


Zeit-Räume Ruhr

Areas: Development

In collaboration with the agency FREIWILD Kommunikation, i developed this award-winning project of the heart. Medalled with the German Design Awards 2018 with the jury statement: „With this platform, a good idea was implemented in a modern and coherent, but above all authentic way. Exciting.” Visit the website →

2018 German Design Award (Winner)


Jan Kath Website

Areas: Screendesign, Development and Concept

This result of a months-long bodacious team effort has won multiple big awards. A lot of small details invite to stay and help discover the great products of Jan Kath. Visit the website →

2015 Deutscher Digital Award, Bronze
2015 German Design Award (Winner)
2014 Corporate Design Preis


Oktober Agency

Areas: Entwicklung, Konzeption und Mobile

Building the website for your own employer is always a delicate task. With the buildup of a webteam at Oktober, we took the time to present our team with a modern and appealing new website. Visit the website →


Community for art und culture

Areas: Concept and Screendesign

Portal for art, artists and performers with editorial content and buildup of a community. Very dynamic and modular structure for ███████. The client doesn’t want to be named here, despite my warm words.


Guidebook for accessible bathrooms

Areas: Concept and Screendesign

Editorial site with newsworthy content and interesting articles about bathrooms with emphasis on accessibility. The designs where build with fresh colors, clean typography and wonderful images especially cheerful and high class.


More recent projects on Dribbble

On Dribbble a lot of things are shown that never made it through the actual concept and development-process. Sadly not every idea will become a final product.
Visit my Dribbble profile ›


The price of packaging in specialty coffee

As you might already now, i’m working as a designer at Coffee Circle in Berlin. We source, direct trade, roast and sell great specialty coffee. Please take this as a disclaimer for this article ✌️

Thanks Photoshop, and good riddance

“Big Electric Cat” — Codename for Photoshop 4.0 was released in the late November of 1996. It already had features like PNG support, Adjustment Layers and Actions. I began using Photoshop with Version 4.0.

KIKK Festival 2016 — a review in pictures

KIKK.Festival 2016 was all about digital & creative cultures. A free festival, with a lot of talented speakers and just a short 2½ hours trip from my hometown. The festival took place in a small city called “Namur” in the Wallonian part of Belgium.

Github und die Copyright-Assets

Für alles gibt es Demo-Versionen. Das klassische Modell ist eine 30-Tage Trialversion die mir genug Zeit gibt das Produkt zu testen, bevor ich es kaufe. Für Schriften gibt es das nicht, oder sehr selten.

User-Tracking mit Smartlook

“Wir nehmen alles auf, was Besucher auf Ihrer Webseite tun. Absolut kostenlos.Schauen Sie sich Ihre Webseite mit den Augen Ihrer Kunden an!”

The last 5 posts are shown. More in the archive ›